Tuesday 10 October 2017

Great styling ideas shared by curly hair hairdresser!

If you find it difficult to maintain the curly looks of your hair or you just want to get rid of it then do not worry since we have some tips for you that will make you feel comfortable with these curls. Off course, you can go for solutions like straightening or smoothening but it all depends for how long you wish the curls to stay away. Yes, it is a big challenge to control it by the ones having it. It can make things difficult if we try out the wrong things. So, if you are looking to solve these issues, just stay tuned to the following tips shared by some of the famous curly hair hairdresser in the town.

Curly Hair Hairdresser

Tips to keep in mind!

The first and foremost thing is to get a proper haircut done by a professional and experienced hairdresser. In case you try to make your hair short, then the hair curls out more and if too long then the curls will still be seen more. So, it’s advisable not to be on the extreme side. With the right type of hairstyle, you will definitely start loving your curly hair whereas the wrong cut can create more issues and turns out to be unmanageable.

The second step is to use a gentle shampoo on curly and dry hair. Let me inform you that such shampoos are capable enough to drain out all the natural oils from your hair. This will make it even drier and frizzy than ever. You need to shampoo it only once or twice a week but not daily. Remember that after shampooing always apply a moisturizer or a conditioner. A moisturizer will help to make the hair soft while the conditioner will coat the hair and try to reduce the dryness. Just make sure you use it carefully or else there are higher chances of the hair turning greasy at times.

Another fact to keep in mind is that if you have natural curls then do not try to dry your hair using a dryer. This can blow your hair at such a level that the strands might end up separating and cause up more frizzes. Let your hair dry in a natural way so that the strands remain grouped together in the form of neat curls. In case you have thick hair then just blow dry the roots and let the remaining dry in a natural way. A note to remember is if you are straightening your hair, just blow dry them first and then use the iron rods. Try using a moderate amount of heat while drying your hair so that it doesn’t look over dried. And if you are ironing it then use a large-diameter curling iron or some sort of styling spray before blow drying it. This will smoothen and keep your hair safe.

Curly Hair Hairdresser

Try the above-mentioned tips and see how it makes this tough job turn into a simple one. You might also be relieved from not struggling with your hair anymore. Curly hair, when styled in the right way, looks absolutely gorgeous than ever.


Tired of having curly and frizzy hair all the time? Book an appointment with one of the curly hair hairdressers at CAST and get your hair styled the way you want and that look just amazing!

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